This document provides a set of data commonly used in economic and financial analyses and appraisals, particularly in the field of ATM.
The aim of this document is to standardise the data used in different ATM-related assessments, to facilitate data access for the different stakeholders involved and contribute to the comparability of different analyses through relying on the same data.
In this edition (10.0) the values have been updated according to the latest available information, either by adding new data or by adjusting existing data for inflation, where relevant.
Please note that the inputs have been compiled from EUROCONTROL data and intelligence, from values provided by airspace users, ANSPs, airports, IATA, EASA, and other organisations, and from other relevant documents which are publicly available.
The inputs are average values and may not be appropriate in all circumstances. The document also gives details of the sources of information and discusses the applicability and use of the values.
This document will remain a living document, and so comments and suggestions are welcome. Readers are invited to send these to [email protected].
Details per data item
For each standard input, the following information is provided, where relevant.
Section | Description |
EUROCONTROL recommended values | One or a set of recommended values put forward by EUROCONTROL for the specific indicator, including a description containing relevant information or details regarding the values |
Comment | Any further comments regarding the source or derivation of the value, for example the degree of confidence in the values and sources cited |
When to use the input? | A recommendation on when the input can be used. |
Related inputs | A link to other related standard inputs included in the document. |
References | A list of sources used for the specific input. |
When necessary, please refer to EUROCONTROL Air Navigation Inter-Site Acronym List (AIRIAL) for more information about specific terminology.