The first version of the EUROCONTROL Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses series was launched in 2002 and has been kept alive for more than twenty years. This latest edition is a continuation of the work developed over all these years and aims to update the inputs that have been previously published, but also to add new inputs that are believed to be of interest for our stakeholders. In comparison with Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses Ed. 9.0, the following new values have been added in this version:
Transit time, which shows the average time flown by aircraft controlled in a specific airspace over a year.
Shadow cost of carbon, which is the cost of carbon required to drive the economy to meet the 1.5°C global temperature target set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Proportion of sustainable aviation fuel, showing the evolution of sustainable fuel in the total aviation fuel blend.
The previous editions of the Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses can be found in EUROCONTROL Library.
We, the EUROCONTROL Business Cases Team, would like to show our gratitude to the many different colleagues that have contributed to this endeavour by providing us data and helping develop the values. Trying to name them all would be impossible.
We have received valuable remarks and suggestions from all stakeholders in the aviation value chain. In particular, we have benefited from stakeholders involved in the entire development life cycle, from ideas to a working system. We strongly believe that this collaboration makes the EUROCONTROL Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses a robust product.
Readers are invited to send comments and suggestions for improvement to [email protected]