Traffic Forecasts

EUROCONTROL STATFOR works with stakeholders to produce forecasts of future network traffic.

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The figure below presents the EUROCONTROL 7-year forecast (2024-2030) for air traffic movements (IFR) in millions of flights (Autumn Edition 2024). This Seven-Year Forecast builds upon the February 2024 publication and incorporates the latest flight trends and route patterns (including summer 2024). It also includes a partial update of forecast inputs, such as the GDP forecast. The information is available by traffic zone (TZ) and includes actual traffic up to 2023 and different forecast scenarios (high, base, low) up to 2030. Simply select the TZ you are interested in from the drop-down menu to see the detailed information for each year.

For more information about the forecasts and the associated data, see the EUROCONTROL Forecast Update 2024-2030 publication.

Note: The traffic zone ‘Spain’ is the aggregated zone composed of ‘Spain-Canaries’ and ‘Spain-Continental’.