ANSP Financial Dashboard

An overview of financial information and indicators for European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) comparable over time.

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This dashboard presents financial information and indicators for European ANSPs, and contains interactive features that allow for comparisons over time. All information presented is publicly available and has been collected from ANSPs’ most recent financial statements. You can find more details about the content and purpose of this dashboard as well as the definition of the indicators used in our Reader's Guide. The underlying data is available for download in the data section.

Select ANSP:
Select Year:

Additional scope of activities

(in addition to the provision of ATC services to GAT)

OAT Services
Delegated ATM
Internal MET
Ownership and management of airports

Share of Pan-European System*


Income Statement

Revenue 2019

€ M

-% vs. -


€ M

-% vs. -

EBITDA Margin 2019


p.p. vs. -

EBIT Margin 2019


p.p. vs. -

Revenues & Costs
Income Statement Items (€ M)
Profit Margins %

Balance Sheet

Equity ratio 2019


- in -

Equity ratio
Pan-European avg.


- in -

Cash-on-hand days 2019


- in -

Current ratio 2019


- in -

Assets, Liabilities and Equity
Liabilites & Equity
Shareholders Equity (€ M): -
Total Liabilites (€ M): -
Liabilities & Equity (€ M): -
Balance Sheet Items (€ M)
Current Assets and Current Liabilities

Cash Flow Statement

Net cash flow

€ M

-% vs. -

Investing activities

€ M

-% vs. -

Free cash flow*

€ M

-% vs. -


€ M

-% vs. -

Net Cash Flow
Net Cash Flow Items (€ M)
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow Items (€ M)