Sustainability is an important political, economic and societal issue and the entire aviation industry has a responsibility to minimise its impact on the environment and climate change.
All industries are increasingly challenged to take action to mitigate their environmental footprint. There is a particular focus on the aviation industry which is frequently highlighted as a negative example in the increasingly vocal political and public discussions.
In addition to the long recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, decarbonisation of aviation is arguably the greatest challenge facing the air transport industry. Decarbonisation will also be a political and societal priority over the coming years.
The objective of this paper is to provide a collection of facts about the environmental performance of aviation in general and the role of Air Navigation Services (ANS) in particular to identify and formulate relevant questions for future debate.
Although there are other areas such as noise and local air quality where aviation has an impact, the focus in this paper will be on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the impact on climate.
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The PRC has made every effort to ensure that the information and analysis contained in this document are as accurate and complete as possible. Despite these precautions, should you find any errors or inconsistencies we would be grateful if you could please bring them to the Aviation Intelligence Unit’s attention.