6  ANSP benchmarking and the SES Performance Scheme

The objective of this chapter is to explain the main differences between the ACE financial cost-effectiveness indicator and the Single European Sky (SES) en-route cost-efficiency KPI (as defined in Regulation (EU) N°2019/317 (European Commission 2019)).

First of all, it should be noted that these two indicators have been specified in response to different needs:

The ACE benchmarking reports complement the SES target setting and monitoring activities by providing a detailed comparison of cost-effectiveness performance at ANSP level including a trend analysis of three main economic drivers (productivity, employment costs and support costs).

Figure 6.1: ACE cost-effectiveness indicator and SES cost-efficiency KPI

As shown in Figure 6.1, the main differences between the ACE financial cost-effectiveness indicator and the SES en-route cost-efficiency KPI are the following:

  1. \(\text{Service}\ \text{unit} = \text{distance factor} \times \ \sqrt{\frac{\text{MTOW}}{50}}\)
    According to EU Regulation 2019/317 (European Commission 2019, Annex VIII 1.1 and 1.2), the en route service units shall be calculated as the product of the distance factor and the weight factor for the flight concerned. […] The distance factor in respect of a given charging zone shall be obtained by dividing by one hundred the number of kilometers flown.↩︎